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September 8, 2008 / alunatunes

September 8- Discovering and Developing a Creative Center

Top left corner of my work table

Top left corner of my work table


In my own little corner in my own little chair
I can be whatever I want to be.
On the wings of my fancy I can fly anywhere
and the world will open its arms to me.
– Cinderella

Discovering your creative center

Do you have your own little corner and your own little chair? Cinderella knew the value of tending the flames of a dreamer’s soul as well as the fire of practical domesticity  while she was patiently waiting on Prince Charming.  Her chair, her escape from the endless torture of her wicked step mother and sisters,  was a simple straw and wood affair, but it was also her connection to the treasury of her imaginative meanderings. In her own little chair, she connected to the tenacious spirit she possessed and daydreamed of being a Norweigan Princess, a prima donna, an heiress, a mermaid, a queen.

Discovering your own desk and chair in a new classroom at the beginning of the school year was always exciting. The aniticipation of friends, old and new, within your personal space was always intriguing and especially delightful if you learned a best pal would be seated close to you. Do you remember placing your new backpack in a cubby or on a hook, stowing your shiny new notebooks and cleanly sharpened pencils inside or underneath your desk? Even as a child, you were creating a sense of owning a space for a specific purpose. 

The enticement of finding your own desk and chair and outfitting a home creative center can be just as exciting as that first day of school. A desk and a place to work are the physical conduit between our thoughts, our ultimate desires,and Source. Our own place to creatively work on our dreams gives us a sense of place and purpose and helps us develop a roadmap to our personal stars.

Intend your dream center to be  your career development shoppe, complete with the tactile tools of your musical trade as well as organizational items you need to manifest your dreams.Don’t fret if you lack a spare room to devote to an office. Any space will do as long as it’s well equipped and functional, and fairly removed from distraction. Sometimes a devoted corner of a kitchen countertop with a stool has to do, sometimes a folding table placed in a livingroom nook becomes our launch pad. Sometimes, though it’s not advisable, the only place you can get any peace is your bedroom, particularly for those of us who rent rooms instead of houses or apartments or those of us who have large families. If a bedroom becomes your only private work area, try to steer away from using your bed as a desk. Beds are for sleeping and resting and should be far removed from work. A workspace behind a folding screen helps you divide your sleeping area from a work area.

Place your desk according to feng shui principles. The southwest corner is your prosperity center. A simpler solution is to place your desk in your prosperity center. As you enter a room the upper left corner attracts prosperity. Use color to enhance your prosperity flow- red, purple and green.  Remember feng shui is more about mindset than placement.

Thrift markets and second hand shops offer much in the way of outfitting your own little corner and chair. Remember to clear items that are bought in second hand stores to remove attachments from previous owners. You wouldn’t want someone else’s negativity to influence your new space. A simple, purposeful clearing with sage and good intentions should do the trick. September is the perfect time to pick up office supplies. Pens, paper, folders, glue, staplers, scissors- nearly everything you need to outfit an office can be purchased for pennies this time of year.

Be careful not to get too complicated with this project. You don’t have to have custom made furniture, an ergonomically correct chair,or the latest organizational palm pilot to function effeciently and effectively. Keep your space uncluttered, streamlined, and beautiful- beauty feeds your soul as you explore the fertile universe of potential. Less is more as you learn to use your own little corner and chair as a creative launch pad to your soul’s calling.

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