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February 2, 2010 / alunatunes

Brigid’s Day, Candlemas, Imbolc, Groundhog Day

“The hours of daylight are lengthening. Bring out your corn dolly with her dress of dried husks and silken hair or the Brigid cross made of summer wheat stalks. Sweep your hearth and light a new fire; after sunset, light every lamp in the house to encourage returning Sun light. Walk outside and draw an image of the Sun in the snow and visualize the heat of Lammas. Bring in a bowl of ice or snow inside for your altar and fill it with candles. Honor Brigid, the complex Triple Goddess whose many gifts were corrupted by Christian monks. Dedicate yourself to her survival, her mysteries, and the glory of her fires-the forge of creativity, the hearth that makes a home, and the fire that stimulates ideas.

She still lives and inspires.”  – K.D. Spitzer

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